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The FHQ is a questionnaire completed by parents/carers to get further information about the child’s life. It includes questions about the child’s birth (e.g. pre-term birth), handedness, physical health, allergies, history of received treatments (pharmacological and non-pharmacological), home literacy and language environment, school attainment, activities and hobbies, sleeping patterns, siblings, parent/carer education and occupation, household chaos, and psychiatric history of biological relativesWhere appropriate, scores have been numerically coded, details of which can be found in the accompanying FHQ data dictionary. 

Questions for the FHQ were initially created by the CALM team but then additional questions were added to harmonise CALM with other European cohorts within Lifebrain  One of these cohorts was CamCAN which conducts research into healthy ageing in adults  Questions from the core questionnaire used by CamCAN were adapted for use in the FHQ. The CALM family history questionnaire questions harmonised with Lifebrain are those concerning child birth, home literacy environment, parent/carer occupation and socio-economic status; the questions harmonised with CamCAN are those concerning child health, sleep, history of received treatments, and parent/carer socio-economic status. 

Please note that as described above the content of the FHQ was enriched at the later stages of the study and therefore the full range of responses is available only for a subpopulation of the original cohort. The updated version of FHQ was sent retrospectively to some of the early cohort participants and as such for a subpopulation of participants age at FHQ is different from age of assessments. Details are available in the FHQ data dictionary.  

The household chaos questions were adapted from: Matheny Jr, A. P., Wachs, T. D., Ludwig, J. L., & Phillips, K. (1995). Bringing order out of chaos: Psychometric characteristics of the confusion, hubbub, and order scale. Journal of applied developmental psychology, 16(3), 429-444.  

The sleep questions were adapted from: Bruni, O., Ottaviano, S., Guidetti, V., Romoli, M., Innocenzi, M., Cortesi, F., & Giannotti, F. (1996). The Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children (SDSC). Construction and validation of an instrument to evaluate sleep disturbances in childhood and adolescence. Journal of sleep research, 5(4), 251–261.