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Friendship Questionnaire (FQ)

  • The FQ is an 8-item scale measuring friendship quality which was developed from a friendship interview created by Ian Goodyer. There was an additional question about how many Facebook friends the participant had which was added for NSPN but is not part of the scored measure. A psychometric paper evaluating this measure is being drafted. Relevant reference found below:

    • Goodyer, I.M., Wright, C., & Altham, P.M.E. (1989). Recent Friendships in Anxious and Depressed School Age Children. Psychological Medicine, 19, 165-174.

    Participants were asked to rate how well each item describes how they feel about their friendships.

    The work of Memarzia et al. has indicated that this scale can both be used as a total sum score as well as by two factors. The subscales are:

    • Good Friendship Qualities (items 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8)
    • Friendship difficulties (items 5, 6 and 7 – not reversed scored)

    The higher the total score and the good friendship quality subscale, the better the overall friendship quality. The higher the score on friendship difficulties, the more difficulties there are.