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The Naming Speed subtest assesses speed of phonological production. Children are asked to name aloud five drawings of common objects: ball, hat, door, table, and box. They are then presented with a card showing many of these objects and are asked to name them aloud as quickly and accurately as possible. Children complete two trials (cards) and the total completion time in seconds is combined from both trials to give a naming speed raw score. The Alliteration subtest measures the ability to isolate initial sounds of simple words. In a series of trials children are presented with three spoken single syllable words and asked to identify which two begin with the same sound. If the children fail to identify correct answers in the three practice trials a supplementary Alliteration Test with Pictures is administered. There are ten trials. Raw scores are the total number of trials correct. Raw scores from both PhAB subtests are converted to standard scores (M = 100, SD = 15). Closest-age matching was used to derive standard scores for children outside the age-normed reference frame (e.g., for those aged 11 and over, norms for11-year-old children were used). 


Frederickson N, Reason R, Firth U. Phonological awareness battery (PhAB). GL assessment: London. In: United Kingdom; 1997.