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Open NSPN Datasets

Three collections are currently available in the portal

The "Basic Data” listed below is automatically included in any requests as it contain the basic demographic and assessment data needed for the analysis of all other measures

NSPN Basic Data
This file contains basic data on each participant such as sex, age and Index of Multiple Deprivation data. It also contains dates and time points of questionnaire completion.

NSPN 2K Cohort

2K cohort: home questionnaire pack (HQP) completed at three time-points (HQP1, HQP2, HQP3), using abridged questionnaires for the two follow-up assessments.

For further information, on the NSPN Cohort, please see the linked article: Cohort Profile: The NSPN 2400 Cohort: a developmental sample supporting the Wellcome Trust NeuroScience in Psychiatry Network

A full list of NSPN Publications can be viewed here: NSPN Publications.


U-Change cohort: in unit assessment (IUA) completed at two time-points (IUA1, IUA2), comprising cognitive, structural MRI and functional MRI assessments at baseline and follow-up, separated by 1-3 years. A subgroup of participants also completed an IUA at 6 months after baseline (IUA1.5).

There is more detail about study design in Kiddle et al (2018).  A full list of NSPN Publications can be viewed here: NSPN Publications.

U-Change MRI

Data collected as part of the In Unit Assessment (IUA) completed at two time-points (IUA1, IUA2), comprising structural MRI and functional MRI assessments at baseline and follow-up, separated by 1-3 years. A subgroup of participants also completed an IUA at 6 months after baseline (IUA1.5). Around 300 participants are in the dataset with approximately 600 images available for download.